Monday, December 20, 2010

How To Have A Great Holiday Season: Get Out Of Your Bubble

-Post by Foster Mom

This Holiday season I am left feeling very thankful, hopeful and angry.
Before you start painting me green and calling me "the Grinch", let me explain.

I'm thankful for the birth of a Savior.
I'm hopeful in a God who can turn circumstances around,
but I'm sometimes angry when He doesn't.

I'm thankful I have hardworking, moral parents without addictions clouding their judgment.  I'm hopeful that  M's Bio Mom really is changing...
and am angry at all those abusive, addicted, selfish parents that are stealing their children's innocence.

I am thankful I live in a country with resources
Hopeful for opportunities
but sometimes hate that we live in a culture of superfluity, where media is in your face

It can easily consume our every waking moments and cause us to miss the important things...

The reality I was living in for so long has been torn up these past 6 months.

All because I decided to become a foster parent.

It's opened my eyes and has helped me see outside of my safe, little bubble.

I'm learning to be more "in the moment" and aware.

Aware of the aged-out foster youth who doesn't have a family to spend time with over the holidays. (TRUE STORY)

Or the person living in the United States, who is stuck in a brothel, forced to barter sex for mere pennies and their dignity (TRUE STORY)

I'm aware of the tragedy of children soldiers (TRUE STORY)

and that domestic sex trafficking is real (TRUE STORY)

I'm aware that the majority of our yummy Christmas chocolate comes from a child slave (TRUE STORY)

and I'm aware of a mother who attempted to sell her little baby girl for drugs
a town over
from where I live.
I am thankful she was caught.

All of these horrible a person's reality.

In the midst of a busy Holiday season as we get swept up in the consumerism of things...I challenge myself (and you, if you're interested):
  • To be thankful for the blessings in your life
  • To slow down and notice the unjust in our world
  • Get angry and passionate enough to make a difference
  • Be hopeful that you can make an impact

It's time as individuals we start to think globally, rather than being led by consumerism and the "traditional" ways of the holiday.  

Here are examples of ways you can make a difference this Hanukkah/Christmas/New Years Eve/Holiday Season:
Volunteer to help youth who aged-out of the foster care system
Educate ourselves about the Orphan crisis 
Buy slave free chocolate
Help save a child soldier
Pray for those stuck in brothels
Buy a sex slave to give her freedom*
Give back and volunteer in your area

*I'm not really suggesting we all go buy sex slaves. Read the linked article - it's educational and challenging.

How are you giving the gift of a second chance this holiday season?
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