Saturday, January 15, 2011

Family Drama with Bio Mom

-Post by Foster Mom

M's Bio Mom recently set up strict boundaries with her immediate family because they were more harm than good.

She has no one.

The one person who brought her comfort in days past, got taken from her.
And is now living in my home.
Hugging me daily.
Whispering her preschool secrets in my ear.
When she falls at the playground, I'm the one she cries for.
And I comfort her.

I can't imagine the heartache Bio Mom has endured.
She's been in foster care,
on the streets,
survived gang fights,
domestic violence,
fought for her life
and now this.
It was enough to challenge her to get her act together, and make some positive changes.

Good changes.  Changes that need to happen for her to get her daughter back.

A few months ago I was talking on the phone with M's mom.  Our conversation was transparent, loving and respectful.  We talked about our concerns and shared updates.

During our phone call Bio Mom showed me a glimpse into their past.
I could hear the pain and fear in her voice.

I felt honored that she is starting to trust me and that I could try to be an encouragement to her.

She told me she was happy M was spending Christmas with us...

"After all, we're family" Bio Mom said.

We aren't related by blood, so her words caught me off guard.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was true.

Sometimes I get frustrated with Bio Mom and her crusty choices she's made in the past. Trust me, there's plenty of family drama.

But then there are times I'm left in awe.  Like the time she put together a HUGE Halloween party (without having any money) for everyone in her program and the kids, so M could have a special visit.  Bio Mom even thought of Foster Dad and I and gave us homemade cookies. Don't worry, we weren't poisoned. I've watched enough Lifetime movies to know I need to let Bio Mom eat her cookie first. There were games, costumes, decorations and even some of M's favorite ghetto, hip hop music (we are working on that).

I don't condune the choices Bio Mom has made in the past that has resulted in M being placed with us. But I am fully confident Bio Mom has made huge positive changes and is growing healthier everyday.

I'm beyond grateful we have a growing relationship with her and am thankful we are family through love.  Plus, I'd hate to be on her bad side...
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