Friday, December 10, 2010

A RAD Kid?

-Post by Foster Mom
I don't mean RAD in a "cowabunga", ninja turtle kinda way.  When M was first placed with us months ago, she got labeled with Reactive Attachment Disorder.  The therapist said she thought M has the disinhibited form of RAD.
Children with disinhibited behavior seek attention from virtually everyone, including strangers. -

RAD made sense and explained why she told us she "loved us" the first night.  Or why she would hold someones hand and a few minutes later proclaim her love for them..after JUST meeting them.

I know that a lot of RAD kid's display rage, tantrums and aggression.
M does not.
She hardly displayed any emotion at all.

Due to her lack of raging, I've always wondering if M really does have reactive attachment disorder.  I'm not a therapist or a mind reader, this is just based on my observations and googling skills...and I still don't have a firm conclusion.

In a previos post I mentioned I wanted to highlight how she's grown and flourished by living in a healthy and stable environment.  By sharing some of the RAD research I've done, in relation to who M was when she first came to live with us, I hope it will help show how far she truly has come...

Potential Causes for RAD in a Child 
  • Neglect
  • Abuse
  • Separation from the primary caregiver
  • Changes in the primary caregiver
  • Frequent moves and/or placements
  • Traumatic experiences
  • Maternal addiction - drugs or alcohol
  • Young or inexperienced mother with poor parenting skills

M's "Symptoms" 6 Months Ago
*Please note, I feel weird calling it "symptoms" but am going by what my googling skills suggested
  1. Displaying inappropriate signs of affection towards strangers
  2. Poor peer relationships
  3. Watching others closely but not engaging in social interaction (with peers)
  4. Failing to ask for support or assistance
  5. Obvious and consistent awkwardness or discomfort
  6. Masking feelings of anger or distress
  7. Intense control battles, very bossy
  8. Manipulative - superficially charming and engaging
  9. Incessant chatter and/or questions 
  10. Low self-esteem
  11. Abnormal Eating Habits
  12. Difficulty showing genuine care and affection. For example, children with reactive attachment disorder may act inappropriately affectionate with strangers while displaying little or no affection towards their parents.
    M's Present Day Improvements
    1. Displays appropriate signs of affection towards strangers - At the grocery store, M recently busted me for talking to a stranger about avocados...The old guy wasn't amused. 
    2. Good peer relationships
    3. Engages in social interaction (with peers)
    4. Displays feelings of anger or distress - We now celebrate Maniac Mondays- It's M's post cry session and sassy 'tude, the day after she visits with Bio Mom.  I'm thinking about making it a National Holiday around our house.
    M has grown from living in 6 months of stability, structure and out of harms way.  I plan on further examining her improvements in extended stay tuned.

    Although M has made HUGE improvements we still have some present day struggles. M has hardships and as her foster parents, we struggle in learning how to fully meet her needs in certain areas.
    M's "Symptoms" Present Day
    1. Obvious and consistent awkwardness or discomfort 
    2. Intense control battles, very bossy
    3. Manipulative - superficially charming and engaging
    4. Incessant chatter and/or questions (Don't all kids ask a million questions?!)
    5. Low self-esteem
    6. Failing to ask for support or assistance - Has improved, but indirectly hints she needs help
    7. Abnormal Eating Habits - Major improvement, but still working on it!
    8. Difficulty showing genuine care and affection - HUGE improvement!
    Every day we are working on minimizing the list. Today we worked on number six (affection). We snuggled and dramatically gazed into each others eyes while attempting to look like alien bugs.

    Precious moments.

    CLICK HER FOR A Symptom Checklist for Child Attachment Disorder

      Help! Have you encountered any of M's present day symptoms with your kids?  Dying for some tips & tricks!
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