Friday, December 3, 2010

Shocking Moments at Preschool

Foster Mom is volunteering at M's preschool.  Join in on the awkward/uncomfortable/tell-all conversation she had with one of the Teacher Aids who helps in the class:

TA: So how long have you and your husband been married?

Foster Mom: A few years

TA: Wow! Do you have any of your own kids?

Foster Mom:  Not yet, we wanted to be foster parents first.  There's so many kids that need a good home...

TA: Ohhh, is there good money in it?

Foster Mom:  Not really, it hardly covers the basics.

TA:  Yeah, my husband and I thought about doing it.

--- insert pointless chatter for a few minutes that somehow transitioned to this ---

TA:  Ya know, it's hard not beating your kids. I used to beat my husband and first child. I had to work really hard to get out of it.  I'm surprised my husband even stayed around.

Foster Mom: (shocked) Wow. You are so great with the kids, I would have never thought you struggled with that. It's great you turned your life around.

And scene

Yes, this is the same woman who said "We have a few moms like that..." the day I cried at preschool.
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