Monday, October 25, 2010

I Do So Much For You and This Is How You Act?!

-Post by Foster Mom

In second grade my mom bought me a huge box of new crayons.

All I remember next is that I was sitting against my bedroom door crying, breaking all 96 of my crayons, yelling about how mean my mom was.

My mom gently knocked on the door to see if I was okay.

"What happened to your crayons?"  She asked
"They came that way." 

She didn't call me a liar, or say how ungrateful I was. She just gave me a hug and helped me put my broken crayons back in the box.

Last night I told M I was going to tuck her in.
She grunted "Aughhhhhhhhhh, I don't want YOU to tuck me in!" Remember, she likes Foster Dad better? 
Last week at dinner, M refused to eat.  We asked her to try what was on her plate so she wouldn't starve.  She didn't want to eat anything so went through six different coping tactics which included an hour of tears and "I want to call my mom.  I don't want to be here..."
Moral of the story: kid's can be cruel, rude, annoying and mean...
Don't get my wrong, M is a GREAT kid most of the time...but we all have our bad days. Foster Dad and I didn't sign up to be foster parents so we'd get a pat on the back, but after some of M's rowdy days I could sure use one!

Kids won't thank you for all you've given them or sacrificed.  They'll complain, break their crayons (sorry mom!) and never fully understand how much you do for them....until THEY become parents.

So mom and dad, thank you for all you've done for me. Dealing with the bazillion gross diaper changes, tantrums and never ending talking.  Thank you for all the sacrifices you've made so we would feel loved and special. Thanks for always coming to all my sports games and being my number one fan. Thanks for not giving up on me when you mistakenly thought I was in a gang called black cats, when I got a D and locked myself in the bathroom and when I convinced my sister jelly gets gum out of hair.  I am honored to have you as parents, think you are super heroes,  and appreciate all you did and continue to do for me. Love you guys!

Question for parents: At what moment did you want to yell at your kid "I do SOOO MUCH FOR YOU and you are acting like THIS?!" This is your time to vent...
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