Monday, October 4, 2010

Why My Life Got Turned Upside Down

-Post by Foster Mom
I became a foster parent and I'm wrecked at the core. It's challenging reshaping my worldview.
I can't stop thinking about all the teenagers that will age out of the foster care system wishing they had a family to celebrate holidays with and a mother to call on their birthdays. I wonder if they feel worthless, unlovable and unworthy of a family. Would you?

I can't stop thinking about the small child who think they deserve to be hit or blame their parents abandonment on themselves. Or M, who is adultified and oversexualized before she reaches kindergarten.

If we live in a nation with an abundance of resources why do some people have so little? Of those that have so little, why do some take advantage of what they are given? Even though  I'm kept up some nights thinking about all the unjust in the world, I know I can't change the foster care, welfare or court systems.

Every child deserves to be loved. The God I know gives second chances, He loves unconditionally and loves the unlovable.

My eyes have been opened to poverty, pain, cultural differences and new traditions.  This process is teaching me patience, sacrificial love and how to advocate on behalf of a hurt child. All I can try to do is love a child during their darkest moments and hope that their biological family can change for the better.

Foster parent or not, what are YOU learning during this season of your life?
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