Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Discover Your Child Through A Lens

-Post by Foster Mom

I was having lunch with a friend the other day and she asked me a great question.
"Have you ever tried thinking about life through M's eyes?"
I think about it all the time. I imagine how it feels to be dropped off at a strangers doorstep. Or if her tears over eating pea soup are really tears for her biological family.  I try to see things through her eyes so I can learn how to love her better and can be the mom she deserves. 
We gave M our old digital camera.  She's taken lots of pictures of us, places we've been and her favorite things.  Here are some photos, through M's eyes.



Through her camera lens I see a child who values her room, because she's always shared one with her parents.  She takes pride in her stuffed animals by organizing them and keeps her room clean, without being asked.  Maybe it's because she moved around so much and never had a place to call home or a space of her own.

She uses her imagination to create castles and forts to shield her from the things that haunted her in the past. I see a little girl that dreams of being a princess, loves the color pink, anything sparkly and cherishes the fantasy of Tinkerbell.
Have you looked through your kid's lens?

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