Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10 Ways To Break Out of Routine

-Post by Foster Mom

Between Preschool, appointments, meetings, visitations and calls with the bio family our schedule is pretty routine.  M loves the structure and assurance of knowing what the next activity will be, but it does get pretty boring sometimes.  We still stick to our everyday routine and appointments, but also schedule in some spontaneous fun time...Yes, I did just say schedule and spontaneous in the same sentence...just go with it.

 Here's the list M & I are tackling to get out of our boring rut  *already completed

1. Take a walk...on the wild side *
Pretend you are on an adventure, give yourselves spy/explorer/frontier names, talk with accents and take time to explore. Walk your kid's pace and smell the flowers. Watch out for bees. 

2. Dance party *
Whoever can dance the longest wins. I count this as my gym workout.

3. Cloud Gazing *
Go to the beach/park, lay on a blanket and describe the shapes the clouds make.

4. Host a Show *
Videotape a baking show and make a pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting.

5. Indoor S'mores
Turn all the lights off and use flashlights for indoor camping. Make s'mores in the microwave. See who can make the biggest marshmallow. This also works with peeps if you are looking for a new Easter tradition.

6. Indoor Camping
Sleep in an indoor tent at night. Have your husband dress in a bear costume and wake you up by shaking the tent and growling.  Make sure your kid doesn't have to go potty or the scare may result in an unnecessary accident.

7. Puddle Jumping *
Make some puddles and jump in them. Make sure you're outside or have waterproof furniture

8. Rappers Delight *
Pick a topic and freestyle a song.  We love playing this game in the car. The topic M ALWAYS picks are trees. I've been expanding my tree knowledge through google, hoping my next song will go platinum. Disclaimer: Parents really need to be in the mood because freestylin' gets old fast!

9. Have a staring contest *
Bonus points because it helps build attachment and you will probably win...unless you are indoor camping and your kid shines their flashlight in your eye, that could end in tragedy.

10. Do Something Special *
Make dinner together for a sick friend, random neighbor, or new mommy. Write a card and drop it off together. Pray it's edible!

Bonus: Are you REALLY bored?
Check out this HILARIOUS website

What are fun ways you break out of your routines, with or without a kid? Try something on your list, steal some ideas from our list or the comments below!
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