Sunday, October 10, 2010

4 Christmases

-By Foster Dad

Christmas with Biomom, Christmas at the Church giving tree event, Christmas at the Foster Care agency, ... and Christmas on the east coast.

We're trying to decide whether or not to bring M to our family Christmas vacation on the other side of the country.  If we bring her there are airline tickets to buy, court approvals to be signed, and a 4 year old to take on a 5 hour flight with layovers.  Is it worth the effort?  Would it be a nice break for Foster Mom and I to get rejuvenated and lift our energy levels?

I can just imagine the comments we'd receive if we decide not to bring her along... "You're going to leave a kid all alone with strangers on Christmas?"  "Isn't this why you chose to be foster parents in the first place?"  ...etc.  If we were hoping to adopt M someday, I wouldn't hesitate to bring her.

The reality is that she'll have 3 Christmases before December 25th arrives.  The strange part would be her watching another unknown family open their Christmas presents that morning.  Of course we'll give the respite parents some gifts to give to M.
Foster parents, what are your thoughts?
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