Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Do You Overcome Insecurities?

-Post by Foster Mom

School picture day is way more nerve-racking as an adult.  I was beyond stressed figuring out what M should wear and how to keep her beautiful curls untangled.  After all we would keep these photos for a lifetime.

This would be a picture of the beautiful child who was first placed in our home through the foster care system, captured in a single moment of time.

Of course we also planned on giving M's family copies. But what if they judged her outfit and hairdo? Or even worse, what if she doesn't smile and they think we are horrible parents and she isn't happy living with us. What mind raced.

M got dressed and I took extra time to tame her curls, all while ahhhhing over her beauty. After, M showed off her dazzling smile for our at home practice session. Yes, I did just say practice session. What have I become?!

I told her she was a beautiful princess and we headed off to preschool. On the drive over I laughed at myself for turning into the Picture Perfect Drill Sargent and realized I was putting way to much pressure on picture day.

My insecurities of how others may react to a photo I really have no control over was turning me into an over-meticulous, mind stressing person. So I let it go.... and didn't even slick down M's flyaways as I hugged her goodbye.

I picked M up from preschool and saw all the girls in their best dresses and boys with gel in their hair.  I stayed and caught up with her teachers who told me M was sad today. The teacher asked her what was bothering her and M said
"Nobody told me I was beautiful with my pretty dress on. People told all the other girls they were beautiful but not me..."

We've all struggled with confidence and insecurities. How do you overcome it? How do you explain to a child that their value comes from God and themselves?
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