Monday, September 27, 2010

Now Laugh!

-Post by Foster Mom
Even though it can be stressful, my mom reminded me to laugh during this foster parenting process. So I thought I'd share some recent moments I laughed out loud at.

Hug It Out
Last week, M was having a rough day. I dropped her off at preschool and asked if she wanted a hug. As we were hugging it out in the corner of the classroom, some random lurker kid, Rocco, came over and started hugging us too. So much for our intimate moment.

A week later, Rocco wasn't hugging it out anymore.
He threatened to beat me up.  M and I were doing our child-parent time at preschool and reading a book together. Rocco came over and started touching my cell phone. He asked if it had games on it.
M "Yeah, but only I can play the games."
Rocco "You're mean!!" He yelled pointed at me, even though I had yet to respond.
Me "Sorry, it's reading time. Do you want to read with us?"
He then started pounding his fists together and making some weird, I'm a boy full of rage noise.
Rocco "My fists want to do this to you," as he continued hitting his fist into his hand.
I thought about telling on him, then I realized I wasn't 4 and reverted to calling him the class bully instead.

M sings. Not always the right lyrics. 
Actual lyrics: Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.
Her version:  Oh be careful and wipe the toilet seat.
She has a thing for cleanliness.

Exhibit A
Drawing Encouragement
The other day M and I colored together for a few hours. I got really into it (see exhibit A). Pretty great skills, huh? When I showed M my beautiful creation she made a face that looked like I was trying to feed her gross, disgusting carrots and yelled,  
"That is NOT fabulous!"
Lesson learned: It's not cool to give your my little pony blue highlights.

Public Humiliation
Foster Dad, M and I went shopping over the weekend. All of a sudden we heard a really loud, squeaky noise coming from the toy section.
M, our 4 year old yelled, "What the HELL!?"
Foster Dad and I replied "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"
and a guy walking by laughed. Really hard.
We asked M how she learned that word and told her it was a bad word and she shouldn't say it again.

Foster Dad was impressed she knew how to use that phrase in context.

Parents: Any funny or embarrassing moments recently?

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