Sunday, August 22, 2010

Top 10 Differences from Parentless to Parenthood

-Post by Foster Mom
1. My morning routine consists of Playhouse Disney at 8AM instead of Gilmore Girls at 11

2. With my new early bedtime, I am no longer tempted by the 3AM infomercial

3. I now have the joyous responsibility of monitoring and occasionally cleaning a kid's boogers, dirty underwear and crusty toe nails

4. I always have someone to run errands with. Although running errands quickly is a blast from the past

5. I hear a "Why?" after every sentence that leaves my mouth. My lame response "because"

6. I eat brownies while secretly hiding in the bathroom and WAY more fruits and veggies at the dinner table

7. We are on a first name basis with the librarian

8. Dressing up like a princess is cool

9. I don't need the radio on while we run errands because M's a human radio

10. No need for trashy reality TV shows when I get live entertainment the whole day.  Followed by the question "What's funny guys?!" Our response "YOU!"

This transition from parentless to parenthood has been interesting. We can no longer take the dog for a late night walk together or easily go to that blockbuster movie we've been dying to see...but instead we get to walk at a 4 year old pace (really slow) holding hands and get an abundance of hugs, playtime and laughs.

Foster or bio parents: What was your big difference from no kids to kids?
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