Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An open letter to M's birth mom

-Post by Foster Mom
Dear M's birth mom,
You are so young, but have lived through more hardships than anyone should ever endure. I know you've faced a childhood with parents battling addictions.  Addictions that resulted in you being sent to a foster home that didn't protect you and keep you safe.  I can't begin to imagine the heartache you've faced at such a young age. No child should ever have to go through what you did.
You are a product of your childhood environment, and trapped in the same cycle in your adult life.  You're giving M the childhood you tried running from. You can break the choice at a time.

I often hear you tell M not to cry but to be happy and strong. Maybe you were raised where it wasn't okay to cry. But some of the toughest people I know cry, A LOT.  Tears show a breaking point and sometimes when you truly let go, your tears are the first step in bringing about healing and change.

We all struggle with some form of addiction, some aren't life altering struggles, and others are.  Mine, are mocha frappes from Starbucks.  I pray and hope your addictions, whatever they may be, can be put to rest when you think of your children who need you.
There are times where I've been so frustrated, bitter and angry at you and the situation you've put your family in.  Through my tears and prayers I'm reminded that you too, are created in the image of God and deserve to be loved.
We pray for you daily, and are rooting for you and the reunification of your family.  I pray you don't let your past struggles dictate your today, but that you break the cycle and let God rewrite your story...
... a story of redemption, grace and love.
 - "Foster Mom"

You can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens you. Philippians 4:13
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