Friday, August 27, 2010

God's Songs

-Post by Foster Mom

Foster Dad and I are Christians.  To us it's not just a Sunday thing, but an everyday, this is my lifestyle, I believe in something bigger than myself, God is good, miracles are relevant and Jesus is legit- kinda thing.
M regularly attended church in her previous foster home. Since living with us she often reminds us to pray before all our meals and she asks God for a rainbow...everyday.

Ever since the crusty sing off from our pop culture diva, M, I've decided to make it a point to listen to uplifting, kid friendly music.  M refers to this as "God's songs".

We were riding in the car listening to the Christian radio station when a new song came on. From the backseat I heard "This is my favorite song!! Is this about God?...We sing songs to God because He likes it?" and she joined right in with the lyrics.
And oh, how He loves us so,
Oh how He loves us,
How He loves us all

Yeah, He loves us,
Oh! how He loves us...

"He loves us" is sooo much better than her old favorite "Come here rude boy". 
As small as this moment was, it reminded me that God IS using us to make a difference in this child's life. It was evident today as we sang a song to God together. I'm glad I was wearing my sunglasses because they hid my tears.

When it was over M said "God loves me and thinks I'm beautiful!"
I pray and hope she can carry those words with her for the rest of her life...

Share-apy time! We would love to hear your story of when you realized you were making a positive impact on a child's life?
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