Monday, November 15, 2010

A Grieving, Tattle Tale, Cry Baby

-Post by Foster Mom

Thank you friends and blog readers for your kind emails, prayers and support. We really appreciate it! The day after we heard the horrible news, I was crying on and off throughout the day.
At random times.
It was awkward. 

I would be laughing with a friend over lunch and the next second crying because I drank all my soda. I was a blubbering cry baby...with no soda.

At preschool M and I sat across from a mom hurling insults at her 3-year-old. The woman was yelling at her daughter because she wasn't drawing a triangle properly. She then started violently shaking her little girl to get her to pay attention.

This isn't the first time I've witnessed this behavior from this woman.  If she couldn't pull it together for 15 minutes at school, I can't even begin to imagine whats truly happening at home.

M sat there in silence, observing the relationship between mother and daughter. I said to the woman people at our table "This is absolutely ridiculous..." as tears rolled down my checks and I ran outside to hide in the corner.

I pulled myself together enough to head back inside to give M a hug and say my goodbyes.  On the way out I said to one of the teacher assistants:
I'm sorry, but Triangle Mom (name has been changed) is out of control. It is NOT okay to act like that.
She put her hand on my shoulder and responded: It's okay, we have a few moms like that.
 "We have a few moms like that..."
What the heck does that mean?! It's okay to be verbally abusive and shake your kid until they cry because other moms do it too?! This is the LAST thing M needs to be around right now...

The incident at preschool was the tipping point.

I was sad that M saw Triangle Mom hurt her child.
I was drained from endless phone calls with social workers and therapists.
and I was grieving.
M had lost her childhood before she was even born....

And I'm not sure the court cares.  To them, she's just another number.
And at preschool, it's just another mom.

How do we help children when all the odds are against them?
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