Alongside the professional experts (therapist, case manger, etc), Foster Dad and I have been focusing on a number of things while M is living with us. A few of them are:
- Teaching her about eating healthy
- Showing her what a safe home looks like and what to do if she doesn't feel safe.
I fear all our lessons will go right out the window as soon as reunification takes place in a few months.
EDIT {took out some details about how Bio Mom wasn't making the best choices during visits}
I knew this would be the hardest part. We've protected a child for months and to send her right back into
So I asked the foster parents of twitter-verse in 140 characters or less how they cope with the stress of the reunification process? Their answers has helped them through the high and lows and are located below the bow.
Thank you to @schneidleraj, @mmm325, @krysta221, @tikunolam2pt0,
@RichHefty and @missionminded25 for sharing!